Missing udef field / mapping in mirror DB


 am trying to locate a specific userdefined field ('Klar til match') in our mirror database. It pertains to the entity Project, so I am looking at the following tables: dbo.project (1), udprojectsmall (2), udprojectlarge (3). 

Below is a screendump of a specific project:

When I look in the mirror database I expect to be able to see the field in the udprojectsmall table (2)

The field I am looking for is of the datatype date, yet the udprojectsmall table only contains datatypes int, nvarchar and flot. 

I seem to recall that there is a way to calculate which userdefined field in a specific field corresponds to the progid that you see in the frontend.

If this post is not posted in the correct forrum, kindly redirect me to the correct one.


Hoping someone can help me figure this out!

Best regards,


27 jan 2023 | 05:35 p.m.

Alles Antwoorden (1)

Testing reply

7 feb 2023 | 01:22 p.m.

Reply toevoegen