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Did you get stuck with the setup of SuperOffice CRM? Do you need inspiration on how to automate the work process or simply get more of your solution? Here is the place to post questions, share tips and workarounds and help others.

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Testing question

Testing description by senuri
Senuri SāmindiÁ
8 feb 2023 | 06:59 p.m.
Users and user right management
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How to edit/delete 'Recipients sources' in a 'Form response'? user&admin

Archive mailing' in a form response is according to SO Help ment to be used "To keep track of all mailings related to your selections and projects" but, actually creates a link to 'Ricipient sources', which can't be edited or deleted. What is the idea here? Why such link in a form response which is only ment to be recipients triggered by a form..? If at later stage changing 'Archive mailing' to another project, the 'Ricipient sources' will still be connected to the old project (!!) and can't be edited or deleted. This leads to that new project members added to the old project will recieve form responses which are no longer is relevant. Understand that this is a known issue but it has by some unknown reason not been filed as a bug. What is the purpose of having 'Recipient sources' linked to a project in a form response?  
Senuri SāmindiÁ
1 feb 2023 | 07:08 a.m.
Settings and maintenance
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See how the filter works (last 7 days)

Checking this out by HC   JP was also here as an admin user with rights to Edit :-)
Hans Christian Grønsleth
24 jan 2023 | 12:35 p.m.
GDPR in SuperOffice CRM

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by Senuri SāmindiÁ
1 feb 2023 | 06:57 a.m.
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Too many recipients edit

Is the number of recipients really limited to 40000? Is it possible to change the limit per customer?bedit
CommunityTest Partner
1 feb 2023 | 05:54 a.m.
Users and user right management

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change the limit per customer?
by CommunityTest Partner
1 feb 2023 | 05:54 a.m.
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General issue with criterias/filter etc. that also applies to configurable screens

Hi The configurable screens works nicely for archived but has one flaw. Example We used to have a document named "Purchase Order" but this was deleted and a new one was created called "Purchase Order Master" When I create an archive and what to see certain documents, then I can only see the active document template names and not the old ones allthough they still exist within the SuperOffice database, but in paranthesis like "(Purchase Order)" - this is the same for creating selections. (No way to search for stuff created by employees no longer with the company or for document templates deleted but still existing in database). The problem here is that the archive will not show the truth for the data. Know this has nothing to do with the main card, but I got back to this again now that I'm working on the Sales and Project cards. Best regards Ole
Senuri SāmindiÁ
26 okt 2022 | 12:48 p.m.
Settings and maintenance

Laatste antwoord

I added this as a wish on ID: 35641
by Senuri SāmindiÁ
9 nov 2022 | 07:27 p.m.
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I have an issue with license on update

I tried to update from 9.2 to 10.1.5. We do not use AD authentication. When trying to update, I see the error below: I can reach the service and the previous updated was done without any issue. What can cause this problem? By the way, I saw, that 8.x installation retrieved the license info for next year and are valid until 2024. But no installation with 9.x or higher had retrieved the license for next year.
Senuri SāmindiÁ
18 okt 2022 | 07:16 a.m.
Settings and maintenance

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We checked the environment and for some reasons it needs to whitelistet in the fire wall. Thats what they told me.
by Senuri SāmindiÁ
9 nov 2022 | 08:04 a.m.
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How to allow a user access to CRMscript and nothing else in the admin application

Hello friends!, I have question, or rather, something I don't understand. I've created a role that includes one thing from administration - the role 'Scriptadministrator'. When I try to use it, however, the only thing that is accessible in the admin panel is the superoffice webstore - and _not_ CRMScript. My question is, should I use a different role, or is this a bug?
Senuri SāmindiÁ
5 sep 2022 | 10:10 a.m.
Users and user right management

Laatste antwoord

Hi, We have registered this instance as a bug. Here is the bug ID: 35295 .
by Senuri SāmindiÁ
1 nov 2022 | 06:19 a.m.
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SuperOffice 10.1 Windows client components not starting

Hi, We are testing with SuperOffice 10.1, for the use of the Exchange Synchronizer we also have an SuperOffice Windows client installed with the SOAdmin.exe, SOReporterStudio.exe and such. But non of them are starting, and they have an correct SuperOffice.ini and SuperOffice.config. I can log in our SuperOffice web enviroment with no problem, and access the settings and maintenance there with no issue. In SuperOffice 8.5 there was a need to have the Windows App licence to be able to run the admin client. The error i am getting: 221026 12:56:36 nvk        Login (ds:so_test_testdbserver uid:nvk pre:crm ) 221026 12:56:36 nvk        3.3015[SOAdmin.exe] Src: DbLoginDatabase at C:\Agent4\_work\1\s\Clients\\Source\DBDLL\Dapi.cpp v line 146  221026 12:56:36 nvk        3.1001[SOAdmin.exe] DbOpenDatabase failed Authentication failed!
Senuri SāmindiÁ
26 okt 2022 | 11:03 a.m.
Settings and maintenance

Laatste antwoord

Hi, using the /DC parameter in the sync shortcut made it work.
by Senuri SāmindiÁ
31 okt 2022 | 09:40 a.m.
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Web panel with session problem

We are setting up an webpanel with an external site. The site works fine in a separate window, in an iframe on some test page, but not in a SO Online-webpanel. The site is displayed and functioning without problems apart from the sessions.   The page is build with PHP and the sessions are standard PHP sessions. Did we do something stupid, or is this a knwon problem/limitation ?
Senuri SāmindiÁ
29 sep 2022 | 05:32 p.m.
SuperOffice add-ons

Laatste antwoord

It certainly looks like is it an issue with SameSite.    PHP seems to ignore the session.cookie_samesite = "None" - directive, but that will probably be some good, well hidden reason for that.  Thanks for putting us on the right track !
by Senuri SāmindiÁ
1 okt 2022 | 10:13 a.m.
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Searchengine - How to get ContIntHeadingLink from ContactInterest

I want to get all contactinterests from a contact with interest name and heading. How do I use the search engings dot-syntax to join the necessary tables? In SQL I would write something like this: select a0.cinterest_idx,,a1.ContInt_id , a2.heading_id, from CRM7.CONTACTINTEREST a0  left join CRM7.CONTINT a1 on (a1.ContInt_id = a0.cinterest_idx)  left join CRM7.CONTINTHEADINGLINK a2 on (a2.contint_id = a0.cinterest_idx) left join CRM7.HEADING a3 on (a3.heading_id = a2.heading_id) where (a1.deleted = 0 and a0.contact_id = 141 )
Senuri SāmindiÁ
28 sep 2022 | 08:51 a.m.
Setting up and administrating Service

Laatste antwoord

Just what I was looking for. Thanks :)
by Senuri SāmindiÁ
28 sep 2022 | 12:45 p.m.