SuperOffice Remote Travel
Oppdatert på 15. mai 2014
Remote travel (SORT.exe)
Steps of synchronization process
- Making a connection with the server, using RAS or direct connection (Router)
- Create UP file
- Copy UP file to server
- Copy DOWN files to the local computer
- Copy all new or changed (File Date Check) documents to the server
- Copy all new or changed (File Date Check) documents to the local computer
- Copy all changed templates from the server to the local computer
- Copy extra requested documents from the server to the local computer
- Closing the connection.
- Read in the DOWN files
After each run of SORT a log file named SORT.LOG is created in the same directory where SORT is started.All settings are maintained in RemoteTravel.INI. The file is built by the choices you add in the communication part of SORT (section Remote Travel and Remote Travel-RAS) and My documents (section RemoteTravel-MyDocuments)
Copying of Up and Down files
This happens automatically when you click Start, it will synchronize the up and downfiles
Before SORT
After SORT
In the local travel directory is the file ee0001.up
In the local travel directory are the files ee0001.up and ee0001.dwn
In the central travel directory is the file ee0001.dwn
In the central travel directory are the files ee0001.dwn and ee0001.up
Copying of own documents
Before SORT
File date time
In the Local document directory are the following files
Dsmre001.mdb NewDocumentFromLocal.txt SuperO-E-mai.SOM SuperO-E-mai-sedfasdfasd.SOM SuperO-E-mai-test.SOM SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N.DOC SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N_001.DOC testfile.txt
16-10-00 13:59 05-11-00 18:11 02-11-00 11:56 02-11-00 11:54 02-11-00 11:55 30-10-00 19:37 30-10-00 19:37 06-11-00 12:19
In the central document directory are the following files
Dsmre001.mdb NewDocumentFromCentral.txt SuperO-E-mai.SOM SuperO-E-mai-sedfasdfasd.SOM SuperO-E-mai-test.SOM SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N.DOC SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N_001.DOC testfile.txt
16-10-00 13:59 05-11-00 18:11 02-11-00 11:56 02-11-00 11:54 02-11-00 11:55 30-10-00 19:37 06-11-00 12:21 03-11-00 18:58
After SORT
File date time
In the Local document directory are the following files
Dsmre001.mdb NewDocumentFromLocal.txt SuperO-E-mai.SOM SuperO-E-mai-sedfasdfasd.SOM SuperO-E-mai-test.SOM SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N.DOC SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N_001.DOC testfile.txt NewDocumentFromCentral.txt
16-10-00 13:59 05-11-00 18:11 02-11-00 11:56 02-11-00 11:54 02-11-00 11:55 30-10-00 19:37 06-11-00 12:21 06-11-00 12:19 05-11-00 18:11
In the central document directory are the following files
Dsmre001.mdb NewDocumentFromCentral.txt SuperO-E-mai.SOM SuperO-E-mai-sedfasdfasd.SOM SuperO-E-mai-test.SOM SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N.DOC SuperO-Mailm-Upgrade-to-CRM-5---N_001.DOC testfile.txt NewDocumentFromLocal.txt
16-10-00 13:59 05-11-00 18:11 02-11-00 11:56 02-11-00 11:54 02-11-00 11:55 30-10-00 19:37 06-11-00 12:21 06-11-00 12:19 05-11-00 18:11
Copying of extra documents
If you want other users documents you need to specify this under Setting - Other documents. This will create a wishlist that's sent to the central SO_arc\wishlist the next time you click Start to synchronize with the central database. A copylist is created based on the wishlist when SORTS is run on the server
The wishlist contains the following documents
Before SORT |
After SORT |
In the local directory there is no GG directory |
In the local directory there is a GG directory with 2000.2 with the following files: Sterp001.som |
In the central directory there is a GG directory with 200.1, 2000.2 and Travel |
Exclude list
The document extensions you add here will all be copied from central to travel and vice versa. But, if you use a modem to connect to the central database you may experience that matching each documents take a lot of time. To reduce this time, you may choose to exclude matching for certain document types. New documents will still be copied, but the matching to determine what document was last edited is excluded.
SIX product family
< username="">.ini
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