

Shared Notes server install

Oppdatert på 15. mai 2014

Shared notes server install guide

How to host several Notes Link databases on one Domino server.

Change from SOCONFIG to "New Name"

The following changes have to be done to change the name of the Config directory.

Change the name on the SOCONFIG-directory on the server where Notes link are installed. The folder is located in the data directory on the Domino Server.

Edit the SO Distribution & Configuration

Open the Domino Administrator and change the Database Configuration for SO Distribution & Configuration that now are in "new name" directory on the Domino-server.
File -> Database -> Open -> server/name -> "New name" -> SO Distribution & Configuration

Right click on SOMAILARC and click EDIT.

Change the content to the desired value. (SOCONFIG -> "New Name")

Edit the Actions in the SuperOffice archive Subform

Open SO Distribution & Configuration in Domino Designer.

Open Subforms

Double-click on SuperOffice archive Subform Objects

Choose the object "Archive mail in SuperOffice" and change the value SOCONFIG to "NewName" in the following Actions






Edit the SuperOffice Mail Template

Open the SuperOffice Template i Designer

Go to Script Libraries under Resources.

Double-click on SuperOfficeFunctions

Change the following from SOCONFIG to "NewName"


Find TravelLocations




Edit the Notes.ini

Open the Notes.INI located in the Data-directory on the Domino server

Change $Envpath=SOCONFIG to $Envpath=SONORGE

Edit the Preference in SuperOffice

Start the SuperOffice Administrator client

Click Preferanser

Choose System

Select SuperOffice MailArchive db in Notes click add and type in
"New Name"\SoMailArchive.nsf

Replicate the new SuperOffice Template down to the users.