SuperOffice Logfile Error Messages
Oppdatert på 27. sep. 2012
Error messages in SO_Log.txt file.
Date | Time | User ID | Error code | Description |
1010530 | 09:49:23 | mhr | 3.1011 | Src: FindAssociate at D:\superoffice\HDB\Hbas.cpp v31 line 957 |
The first number, before the dot is:
1. Just for your information. There is nothing to worry about.
2. Error, but not a critical one. The database may still be used.
3. Critical error, most likely you have to perform a rebuild, but in some cases you may have to restore the database from backup.
These are the different errors that may appear:
SuperOffice internal errors
1001 | Unknown | |
1002 | Message Undefined | |
1003 | New | |
1004 | Empty | target object is empty (e.g. in a save op) |
1005 | Illegal Filter | |
1006 | Illegal Op | illegal op with this object/data (e.g. update of extendedAppnt containing a document) |
1007 | DynLink | failed to obtain address of dynamically linked function |
1008 | Checksum | |
1009 | Parameter | |
1010 | ObjectState | object not properly initialized |
1011 | BadLoginName | uid did not match loginname in any assoc record |
1012 | BadLoginPwd | pwd did not match the password in the user's assoc record |
1013 | LoginDisabled | loginright in AssociatelIcenseInfo is false |
1014 | MissingOwnerRecord | owner company or contact record is missing |
1015 | OwnerRegChanged | mismatch between comp.reg and cont.reg |
1016 | OwnerNameChanged | mismatch between and |
1017 | DatabaseVersion | SO database <--> dict database version no. mismatch |
1018 | DictVersion | dict database <--> app (hardcoded dict stuff) version no. mismatch |
1019 | StrangeConversion | strange (and probably unintended) data conversion during upgrade (userdef) |
1020 | Wizardry | |
1021 | FieldNotUnique | cont.num2 etc. |
1022 | Expired | appointLimit violation |
1023 | DemoExpired | |
1024 | ObjectBadInit | Object could not be initialized correct |
1025 | NotImplemented | Operation not (yet) implemented |
1026 | OpCanceled | OPeration canceled by the user |
1027 | FileNotFound | Some kind of file (not database) was not found |
1028 | InvalidKeyCode | Checksum part of keycode invalid (UxResId.h SR_LIC_INVALIDKEYCODE) |
1029 | OldKeyCode | Trying to reuse a previous keycode - cheating! (UxResId.h SR_LIC_OLDKEYCODE) |
1030 | OldLicenseSystem | Old (5.0) license info detected, can't use that... (UxResId.h SR_LIC_OLDLICENSESYSTEM) |
1031 | LicenseDataInvalid | Invalid data for company or associate - hacked database? (UxResId.h SR_LIC_LICENSEDATAINVALID) |
1032 | WinLoginDisabled | winclient in AssociateLicenseInfo is false |
1033 | UserExist | The user already exist on the database |
1034 | UserGroupError | Update of database user group failed |
1035 | UpgradeTo6Expired | The customer must upgrade the keycode after a fixed number of days after upgrading form version 5.xx to 6.xx |
Database interface
2001 | Unknown | |
2002 | Skipped | op. was not performed (e.g. update of unchanged record) |
2003 | Busy | some async DBMS call is still executing |
2004 | DbNotCapable | The DBMS does not support this operation |
2005 | FileNotOpen | Some file could not be opened |
2006 | ExclusiveLock | Failed to reserve database exclusively |
2007 | UserLock | Failed to write-access database (to lock out exclusive reservations) |
2008 | MetaDictVersion | metadictionary <--> dictionary database version no. mismatch |
2009 | FilteredOut | a record was found but didn't get past the filter |
2010 | BufferShortage | a record or key buffer could not be reserved |
2011 | ModifiedByOtherUser | the record has been modified since the last time it was read |
2012 | OptionalNotFound | signal that an optional (outer joined) record wasn't found (SODBIF internal) |
2013 | UnsupportedDBMS | warning given when sodbif connects to an unrecognized DBMS or ODBC driver |
2014 | BadHdb | given HDB does not refer to an open database connection |
3001 | Unknown | |
3002 | NotFound | |
3003 | CursorState | |
3004 | // OBSOLETE FileNotFound | |
3005 | FilenoInUse | |
3006 | RecordTrunc | |
3007 | Parameter | |
3008 | ConnectFailed | |
3009 | ConnectionInUse | |
3010 | ConnectionBroken | |
3011 | BadSQL | |
3012 | IntegrityViolation | normally this means the operation would violate uniqueness |
3013 | TransactionState | |
3014 | Cursor | |
3015 | Authorization | |
3016 | Deadlock | |
3017 | Aborted | |
3018 | DriverInternal | |
3019 | TableExists | |
3020 | TableNotFound | |
3021 | IndexExists | |
3022 | IndexNotFound | |
3023 | ColumnExists | |
3024 | ColumnNotFound | |
3025 | DatabaseObject | |
3026 | GeneralError | |
3027 | Memory | |
3028 | Sequence | |
3029 | DriverNotCapable | |
3030 | Timeout | |
3031 | Delete | could not delete (c-tree) |
3032 | FileCreate | (c-tree) |
3033 | FileCorrupt | (c-tree) |
3034 | RecordLocked | (c-tree) |
3035 | MultiuserInterference | (c-tree) |
3036 | NoAltCollating | (c-tree) |
3037 | IndexMismatch | (c-tree) |
3038 | SingleuserFeature | returned from singleuser specific c-tree function (e.g. CtSuperfilePrepassXtd) |
3039 | IllegalDbType | Can only travel with certain db's |
3040 | PasswordTooShort | Some databases have strong opinions on these things! |
3041 | WrongDictionary | Dictionary version does not match! |
Operating system
4001 | Unknown | |
4002 | DLLNotFound | |
4003 | DLLWrongVersion | |
4004 | ResDLLNotFound | Special case of DLL not found - we can't read string resources from DLL |
4005 | ResDLLWrongVersion | Special case of DLL wrong ver - we can't read string resources from DLL |
4006 | DLLNotOptimalVersion |
5001 | Unknown |
6001 | ErrRep_Unknown | |
6001 | NoData | No data in report |
7001 | Unknown |
8001 | Unknown | |
8002 | BadStruct | |
8003 | BadNumericalTree | |
8004 | BadNumericalNode | |
8005 | BadRelRecHandle | |
8006 | EmptyFieldSet | |
8007 | NewFailed | |
8008 | BadHdb | |
8009 | NotFound | |
8010 | Parameter |
Travel and satellite
9001 | Unknown | |
9002 | FileCopyError | |
9003 | BadInit | Object wrongly or not initialized |
9004 | UnexpectedEndOfChain | |
9005 | FactoryFailed | Object factory failed to create object |
9006 | IteratorFailed | Iterator returned failure |
9007 | BadSOINI | |
9008 | BadDb | SHDatabase& given to function was not in an OK state |
9009 | NotParent | The alledged parent db wasn't. |
9010 | AssocNotBelonging | The associate do not belong to the db |
9011 | AssocCannotTravel | The associate is not allowed to travel. |
9012 | NoPrototype | |
9013 | ErrTrv_OpCanceled | Operation canceled by user |
9014 | CantCreateDir | |
9015 | InconsistentDbState | |
9016 | UnknownTable | The table number was unknown (too high) |
9017 | UnknownOwnerType | The address, phone or text record's owner type was unknown (at the time of implementation) |
9017 | RelocationFailed | Relocation of ID failed, probably due to a corrupt record |
9018 | RecordFiltered | record removed by Area Filter; this is not an error, just a status value used in the old code. |
9019 | FileOpenWriteFailed | |
9020 | FileOpenReadFailed | unable to open file for reading |
9021 | FileFormatError | error in up/dwn file format, file unacceptable |
9022 | FileVersionError | UP/DWN file recognisable, but unacceptable version |
9023 | DiskFullError | disk full during writing of file |
9024 | EncryptionError | error during encryption of file |
9025 | DecryptionError | error during decryption of file |
9026 | ZipError | error during ZIPing of file |
9027 | UnzipError | error during UNZIPing of file |
9028 | WrongSender | sender was not who we expected |
9029 | WrongReceiver | this was not addressed to us |
9030 | WrongNumber | file did not contain expected transmission number |
9031 | WrongSenderTag | the sender's DB tag did not match what we expected |
9032 | WrongReceiverTag | this was not addressed to us (db tag mismatch) |
Support libs, sup, ug, etc...
10001 | Unknown |
11001 | NotFoundInCache | The record was not in the cache |
12001 | DuplicateRowId | Messagage to Fetcher clients, a join produced a "duplicate row id". |
12002 | SkipRow | Messagage to Fetcher clients, similar to a "duplicate" hit. Typicaly used by the fetcher when a row returned is hit by Sentry Allows the fetcher to return without having to go through a loop. This way, the client decides the "Cancel" granularity. |
12003 | FilteredRow | See SProjectArchiveFetcher for example. It's not exactly a duplicate row id. |
12004 | PrivateRow | More precise than SkipRow :-) |
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