Regression test
Regression test
All conversations (10)
2/18/2025 Openiddict testing
2/18/2025 Openiddict testing
Community Test
Regression test forum topic
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test comment
1/21/2025 Image Handler
1/21/2025 Image Handler
Linisha Siriwardana
Regression test forum topic
29/07/2024 User n Admin form
29/07/2024 User n Admin form
Linisha Siriwardana
Regression test forum topic
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09/04/2024 Test Forum - user & admin
09/04/2024 Test Forum - user & admin
Community Test User
Regression test forum topic
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09/04/2024 Test Forum - user & admin 2
What is Regression
Regression testing is a software testing technique that aims to ensure that recent changes or modifications to a software application have not adversely affected its existing functionality. It involves re-running previously executed test cases to verify that the existing features still work as expected after code changes, bug fixes, or system updates. The primary goal of regression testing is to catch any unintended side effects or regressions introduced by new code changes, thereby maintaining the overall quality and reliability of the software product. Regression testing can be performed manually or automated, depending on the size and complexity of the application. It is typically conducted as part of the software development lifecycle, with tests being executed iteratively throughout the development process to identify and fix issues early on, minimizing the risk of software defects in production.
Sanduni Aloka
Regression test forum topic
14/02/2024 Fourm Link Test 01
Lorem Ipsum comes from a latin text written in 45BC by Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, and philosopher, Marcus Tullius Cicero. The text is titled "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" which means "The Extremes of Good and Evil". The most common form of Lorem ipsum is the following: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Community Test User
Regression test forum topic
why regression testing??
Detailed explanation of regression testing, why it is used? what are the advantages and disadvantages
Linisha Siriwardana
Regression test forum topic
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Test Comment (Former partner)
2/1/2024 Former Partner test
2/1/2024 Former Partner test
Former Partner
Regression test forum topic
Time zone verification
Time zone verification
Linisha Siriwardana
Regression test forum topic
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UTC - 3:25 AM IST - 8:55 AM CET - 4:25 AM
special attention customers in service
Not sure if this is the right place, but hope so. We have some customers that need special handling when sending support requests like we cannot do remote support with them or that they cannot share data etc. Is there any way that we can do one or more of the following depending on company name/number - color the rows in cases with a special color - give a popu warning with a certain message - anything else that would make it apparent that this customer needs special handling Thanks you in advance
Senuri SāmindiÁ
Regression test forum topic
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asdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfassasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasf asdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasf asdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasfasdfasdfasasdfasf