


Updated on 16 Apr 2012

Settings for SuperOffice Remote Travel (SORT.exe)


DriveTestType = 1

0=Test that file server is available 1=Test by mapping network drive

DriveUid = Network username

DrivePwd = Network password

OrderUpdate= 1=Request update from central database is marked



UseDefault =

1=Use default dial-up setting is ticked

Ras = Name of Dial-up connection


Uid = Dial-up Username

Pwd = Dial-up password

Phone = Phone number

Callback = Callback number

Domain = Network domain

UseRouter = 0=Use dial-up (RAS) connection 1=Use existing LAN connection

Hangup = 1=Hangup when done is marked



CopyType= 0

LargeFiles = 0




[Contact] The users want to receive all documents by contacts owned by him.

Associate=11 The associate_ID


[Project] The users wants to receive all documents by projects owned by him.

Associate=11 The associate_ID


[Associate] The user wants to receive all documents from his department.

Group=11 The associate_id, from this we find the current usergroup_id


[CopyType] Special copy options

CopyType= The period, 0 means current, for example 2008.1.

1 means current and last , for example 2008.1 and 2007.2.


2 means all periodes between 1980 and 2035. Note - if you have problems with this, check the short date format.


LargeFiles=1 1 What to-do with large files, skip, ask or copy

FileSize=500 What is the file size before skipping, asking or copy


[ContactSelection] Specified contacts

Entry0=2 The contact_id

Entry1=1 The contact_id 1


[ProjectSelection] Specified projects

Entry0=2 The project_id


[AssociateSelection] Specified groups

Entry0=1 The group_idx

Entry1=4 The group_idx