Our solar system is an atom

This is one crazy idea which cannot be ruled out with current technology. Universe being small part of much larger entity (though unlikely it is living) is a possibility.

There is much difference between the two worlds mainly on the laws by which each work…example?

Well newtons laws of motion are not applicable for a microscopic particle…

But still when we compare the two Worlds we are able to get pretty much similarities. Mainly the orbits….

And now in the modern era considering the quantum mechanical model of atom the electrons are not placed on specific orbits but are in 3 dimension space surrounding the nucleus called orbitals….

Considering orbitals they are not much similar to the planet's orbits….

Well don't let your guard down because multi verse theory suggests that there are many universe which are close together….

Who might know if we're electrons our solar system is atom or galaxy is an element our universe is a complete part of a much large unknown universe that exists far beyond our reach….possibility exists

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Senuri SāmindiÁ 22 Feb 2023
Awesome tree
3 Nov 2021
All of we are us and you are me and I am everyone. We all are helping the AI to build a better version of itself. We all are in a simulation for the sake of the AI to train in a neverending cycle called life.
AKA self training with different instances of same type. Which will lead to a super accurate model if run continuously.
We could go back in time.. but it will create another instance. Means, a copy of the current state. Otherwise the grandfather paradox might happen.
Time travel is possible. But it will create glitches in the simulation.
Our (known) universe is a tiny element in a larger structure. So why can't it be :D
Science is still evolving ... we can't prove without knowing. It does not mean Our solar system is not an atom.
Then? What does it mean?
It means we are still evolving and not yet found the purpose of the life. The creator hides something for a reason. Which is not accesible by the protected variables (Us))
What we can do meanwhile?
Enjoy the life like a movie. We could manifest a hell or a heaven.